Functional Nutrition

Functional nutrition is an approach to nutrition that seeks to understand the needs of each person, taking into account the particularities of their organism, lifestyle, eating habits, disease history and other factors that may influence your health.

The objective of functional nutrition is to promote health and prevent disease through balanced diet and nutritional supplementation, always respecting the characteristics individual for each person; in addition to identifying and treating the underlying causes of a problem of health, that is, treating the roots of the problem instead of just treating its symptoms.

Functional nutrition is not only concerned with the nutrients themselves, but also with the way they interact with the body, aiming to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the digestive system, balance hormones and prevent premature aging, among other benefits.

For this, the functional nutritionist performs a detailed evaluation of the patient, seeking identifying your specific nutritional needs and drawing up a food plan personalized, with natural, organic and functional foods that can help prevent or treat illnesses and improve quality of life.

Meet the GI MAP, an important tool
to assess intestinal health

(English subtitles available)

Functional nutrition can bring many health benefits, such as:

1. Improved immunity: Functional nutrition can strengthen the immune system, preventing disease and infection.
2. Improved digestion: a balanced and personalized diet can improve the functioning of the digestive system, preventing problems such as constipation, diarrhea, reflux and others.
3. Reduced risk of chronic disease: Functional nutrition can help prevent disease such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, among others.
4. Improves mood and mood: a balanced, nutrient-rich diet can improve mood, mood and sleep quality.
5. Increased longevity: a balanced and personalized diet can prevent premature aging and increase longevity.
6. Stress Reduction: Functional nutrition can help reduce stress and anxiety, improving the quality of life.
7. Improved physical performance: functional nutrition can help improve performance physical activity, increasing muscle strength and endurance, and improving recovery after physical exercises.

In short, functional nutrition can help promote health and prevent disease, improve quality of life and increase longevity through a balanced diet and that respects the individual needs of each person.

To implement functional nutrition in your life, it is important to follow some recommendations:

1. Consult a functional nutritionist: the functional nutritionist is the trained professional to assess your individual nutritional needs and draw up a personalized eating plan.
2. Adopt a balanced and varied diet: include natural foods in your diet, organic and functional, rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
3. Avoid industrialized and processed foods: these foods may contain additives chemicals, sugars and fats that can harm your health.
4. Drink water and avoid soft drinks and industrialized juices: water is essential for good health functioning of the body and can help prevent disease.
5. Respect your particularities: each person has specific nutritional needs, therefore it is important to respect their particularities and follow a food plan custom.
6. Practice physical activity regularly: physical activity is important for health and can help improve metabolism and nutrient absorption.
7. Seek conscious eating: pay attention to your food sensations, chew food well and avoid eating in a hurry or distraction.

Remember that changing eating habits can be gradual and that functional nutrition is an individualized and personalized approach, which takes into account the needs specific to each person. Consult a functional nutritionist to help you implement this approach in your life.



Monday            1pm – 7pm
Tuesday          10am – 7pm
Wednesday   10am – 7pm
Thursday       10am – 7pm
Friday             10am – 5pm
Saturday        10am – 5pm
Sunday                  CLOSED

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