
In the hands of a licensed practitioner acupuncture is a very safe, pain-free, effective, treatment for many acute and chronic conditions that has been used for thousands of years.

The most common concern about acupuncture is the fear of the needles. However, the needles used are very thin compared to needles used for injections of medicine. You’ll feel a little pressure as the needle pierces just below the skin’s surface. Once the needle is in the muscle, there should be no pain.
The hair-like needles are typically placed directly into the area being targeted, like along the wrist and thumb for carpal tunnel syndrome, but there are some areas of the body that are said to affect others. For example, the bottom of the foot is said to contain multiple areas that each affect a different organ or muscle system. Just one of these is acupuncture to the arch of the foot, which targets the kidneys.

Yes. While we always like to use Acupuncture, other methods are often combined with acupuncture such as Cupping Therapy, Moxabustion, , Microcurrent, Gua Sha,TuiNa massage. Chinese Herbal medicine, Auriculotherapy, Acupuncture Injection Therapy, Chinese Food Therapy, Infrared and Kinesio taping

No. Acupuncture needles are sterile and disposable and are discarded after each use

Typically, the longer the patient has the condition, the longer the course of treatment before they experience substantial or lasting results. Acupuncture can be done as often as five times a week, or as little as once a month. Following an acupuncture appointment, it is important to rest and drink lots of water to allow your body to maximize the relief provided by acupuncture.

One of the great advantages of acupuncture is that it is very safe. Other than an occasional bruise, there are no side effects.

Sixteenth century Chinese doctors believed that illness was due to an imbalance of energy in the body. In acupuncture, disposable, stainless steel needles are used to stimulate the body’s 14 major meridians, or energy-carrying channels, to resist or overcome illnesses by correcting these imbalances.

Needles are placed at specific acupuncture points on the body. Depending on the specific condition the needles commonly are placed at or below the elbows, and at or below the knees. Other common areas are on the back, abdomen and ears.

During the first treatment the practitioner will take a complete health history and establish a complete evaluation of the condition you are seeking treatment for and ask you questions about lifestyle, not only for the condition you are being treated. The practitioner will feel your pulse, look at your tongue and may palpate specific meridians to look for tender areas. The initial treatment may last between 1 and 1.5 hours, and all subsequent treatments are for 1 hour.

Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Because there are some acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant.  

The best way to prepare is to eat a snack or a light meal before treatment so then your body has sufficient energy to work with. If possible it is best to wear loose clothing so that your arms and legs are accessible for treatment. After treatment we recommend you drink a glass of water to help stabilize your energy.

One benefit to acupuncture is that it is a drug-free way to optimize health. With drugs, people often develop a tolerance, or the need for an increased dosage to achieve the same required effect. However, this does not happen with acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture allows the doctor to immediately examine a person’s response to the treatment and adjust it if necessary.

Yes. There are approximately 6,500 licensed acupuncturists in the U.S. In addition, the World Health Organization currently recognizes more than 40 medical problems which can be helped by acupuncture treatment. The FDA regulates acupuncture needles as medical devices.  We work closely with the fertility clinics and many ob/gyn doctors to help provide you the highest level of care. 

If not, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We are happy to help.

Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbal Medicine can address any of the conditions treated by Western Medicine. Formulas are designed specifically to meet your needs. Some of the indications for the formulas we carry are:

Acute: indigestion, heartburn, stomach flu, colds, sore throat, headache, urinary tract infections, sinus infections, any viral, bacterial and fungal infections, injuries, bruising, swelling, and broken bones.

Chronic: anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, digestive ailments, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, irregular menses, PMS, infertility, fibroids, cysts, menopausal disorders, sexual dysfunction, incontinence, pain, etc

Yes. Only the best quality herbal formulas made here in America are used. These companies use only the highest quality herbs and conform to very high standards.

This varies a great deal from one patient to another. For acute conditions such as colds and flus, the herbs may be taken for two to seven days. For chronic conditions the herbs may be taken for several months

There is a greater risk of medications interacting with each other than medications interacting with herbs. There are some medicines that may interact with herbs, therefore, it is always best to inform your Acupuncture Physician of all prescriptions you are taking before starting herbal therapy.