Chinese Food Therapy (1)

Chinese Food Therapy

The idea behind Chinese Food Therapy  is that food can heal or help overcome various illnesses. All naturally occurring foods including fruits, vegetables, meat, herbs, and spices have their own characteristics. Eating the right types of combinations and amounts that fit one’s body’s needs can create balance and harmony in the body. According to the TCM, this balance and equilibrium is very important to avoid and heal diseases. Chinese Food Therapy utilizes the belief that food, like everything else in the universe, consists of two opposite but complementary life forces: yin and yang. To maintain balance, both energies should be in harmony with each other. However, this is not easy. Because every individual is unique in terms of body constitution type, we all have different yin and yang constituents and requirements. To keep the body in balance, one must select healthy Chinese food that is neither more yin nor yang. Or food with either one in more quantities to achieve the balance if it is disrupted. Other than diet, environmental factors and such as stress, lack of exercise and sleep, etc. can also disrupt yin and yang balance

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