
Auriculotherapy or Ear Medicine

The therapy is based on direct stimulation of the nervous system with a puncture using acupuncture, semi-permanent needles, ear seeds or stiper quars

Auriculotherapy is both a diagnostic and a therapeutic technique. There is at the level of the auricular pavilion a representation of the different parts of the body and of the organs; this mapping, also called somatotopia, is now well known. The ear is therefore both a dashboard on which we can observe and detect the different deregulated points and a control zone allowing the treatment of points in order to obtain a therapeutic action.

Proven effectiveness for whole body pain, low back pain, sciatica, periarthritis of the shoulder, neck pain, migraines, osteoarthritis, neuralgia, including deep cancer pain. Manifestations of stress: malaise, anxiety, stress, fears, depression. Improve the symptoms of constipation. Reduce sleep disorders. Stop smoking or to wean yourself from any other addiction. 

There are multiple benefits to using auricular acupuncture as an alternative to conventional needle acupuncture, which is what you’re probably most familiar with. Because it’s a noninvasive therapy, auricular acupuncture is great for people who are not comfortable with needles or who have an actual fear of the needles used in acupuncture, no matter how small or how fine they may be.  It should be noted, however, that if you plan to try auricular acupuncture as an alternative to drug therapy, you should discuss it with your physician first. Never stop any prescribed medications without first talking with your doctor. Some medications, like antidepressants or opiates, require careful stepping down of your dosage before they can be discontinued entirely, and some medical conditions could be quite

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